
Wednesday, February 26, 2025

Another set of Faces.

 It's me, back again with 2 tags for Michele's "Faces" theme over at Tag Tuesday

The stamps I have used are from the same bundle of stamps that I bought from another crafter, I have used these before and I thought they would be perfect for Michele's theme.

Thank you to all that drop by and leave me such lovely comments. x


 Hi Everyone, I am just posting one of the Tags that I made for Michele's theme over at Tag Tuesday

I used a strip of water coloured card that was left over from another project, cut a narrow strip and added to it, on top of that I added the 4 stamped faces that I mounted on some lilac card.

The stamps I have never used before and unfortunately I do not know the maker as I bought them and a few others from another crafter when she was downsizing her craft items.

In my next post you will see a couple more tags using other faces from the bundle that I bought.

Do pop over to the blog and join in with Michele's them. x

Sunday, February 16, 2025

Add Wings and a Crown

 Hello Everyone, I have missed joining in at SPA (sunday postcard art) recently. For some reason the blog will not let me upload my entry to the challenges. I have no idea why and for now all I get is to create a wordpress blog. So I apologise to all the lovely people that have hosted challenges recently that I haven't been able to play along with.

However Mandy has offered to upload future entries for me, yay.

It is my turn to host this week and I have chosen the theme Add Wings and a Crown.

I hope you enjoy my theme and I look forward to visiting your blogs.xx

Saturday, February 15, 2025

Another for Pinkys theme.

 Hello Everyone, I finally found my missing tag, I had found it where I keep all my stamps, I must have bundled them up with my tag and packed it away, sounds silly, but it happens.

Plenty of Pink here.

A couple of days left for this challenge over at Tag Tuesday.

Tuesday, February 11, 2025

In the Pink

 To my shame, I am running behind again with my craft projects, life gets in the way sometime and I can't always do just as I want to.

So here is a quickie Tag for Pinky's theme over at Tag Tuesday

I do have another tag, but I can't find it right now, I think I have in a pile of papers that were on my work desk, which I packed away, so will have to go and look for it later.,lol.

Monday, January 20, 2025

Add a Postage Stamp

 My goodness, this last 2 weeks has just flown by hasn't it, although the weather hasn't really started getting warmer yet, the spring bulbs are almost ready  to bloom. I've noticed the birds are starting to collect their  nesting materials, flitting about with small twigs, leaves and other birds fathers in their beaks, quite lovely to watch.

For the next 2 weeks I am hosting the challenge at Tag Tuesday and my chosen theme is "Add a Postage Stamp"

Here are my Tags, I hope they will inspire you to join us at Tag Tuesday.

Sunday, January 19, 2025

Doorways at SPA

Michele is the hostess this week over at Sunday Postcard Art. Her theme is Doorways.

As soon as I saw the theme, I just couldn't resist using this old and barely used stamp, it's one of those images that draw you straight to the Doorway and makes you smile, well I hope it does.

I coloured the image using watercolour pencils.

You can find you can find the challenge here at Sunday Postcard Art

Tuesday, January 14, 2025

New Beginnings Tag

 I've been a tad slack recently in crafting and blogging, kind of lost my mojo a bit to be honest.

I didn't want to let the team down at Tag Tuesday so made my Tag for Valerie's theme. So lovely to see her back on board.

As the title of this post says "New Beginnings" so I rummaged through a stack of free stamps given to me by my friend, she gets so many via her magazines, I never say no to them and they are quite handy to keep to one side.

Here's my Tag

Breathing in the future and breathing out the past...washing away the old year, lets hope this year will be kind to us all.

 Happy 2025 Everyone xx