
Friday, August 2, 2024

Summer Holiday

 Sorry I haven't been around much, I've not really had the mindset to craft much due to family issues, then we have had all this extremely hot weather, which I just can't tolerate.It was a whopping 30 degrees in my home last evening, even though I had 3 fans running, plus later when it was cooling down, I had all the windows open, I was so hot that I thought I would self combust!

I realised this afternoon, that I hadn't made my tag for Valerie's "Summer Holiday" theme at Tag Tuesday  having missed Michele's theme I felt guilty skipping again, so made a quickie tag.

Keeping it in a blue tones, my Summer Holiday, would have to be by the sea, warm and sunny and very near the water so I can just cool down quickly, perfect for me.

Thank you to those that drop by my blog, I appreciate your comments xx


pinky said...

Oh I know what you mean Sandie. I find the nights so awful with little to no sleep! I hope things get sorted soon and you get some peace and a bit of cool weather! Your tag is absolutely gorgeous and provokes lovely seaside thoughts.

Valerie-Jael said...

I' sorry you're having a lot of problems just now, and with this hot weather on top of it all, just awful. Thanks so muc h for making this lovely tag, much appreciated. But if you ever can't manage a tag, I think we all understand it. Have a good week, and look after yourself, hugs!